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Professional Archery

Professional Archery in Israel

The world of archery is a versatile world, full of areas and possibilities that have accompanied man since the dawn of history.

Here you can find professional and enriching content on a variety of topics surrounding the world of archery – from training theory, shooting styles, types of bows, carving and building bows and history of bows.

In addition, you can purchase an online archery course that will teach you all the basics you need to know about archery in Israel!

“The Arrow’s Journey“ – Blog

Welcome to the intellectual arena of the archery center, where you can login and enjoy a variety of articles related to the world of archery. Some of our articles are translated, some are published in the original language and some are written by the team members of the Archery Center or the members of the Bethlehem Archery Club, each according to their field of expertise.

We recommend signing up for our newsletter and receiving all of the new archery articles straight to e-mail.


The Archery Club in Bethlehem of Galilee

In the heart of the archery center you can find the Bethlehem of Galilee Archery Club, which is one of the largest clubs both in facilities and number of members, and also one of the most organized and professional clubs in Israel.

This club is without a doubt located in the most beautiful area, in front of an oak grove in a large, organized compound, with targets range to: 10 meters, 18 meters, 30 meters, 50 meters, 70 meters, 90 meters.

There is also an indoor warm-up range for distances of 3-6 meters, and an outdoor training range for 3-10 meters. In addition, in the cypress tree forest next to the club, there is a 3D course with 24 full-size animal targets, which offers shooting training in various conditions and varying angles.

All the ranges are designed according to the sports rules of the World Archery Association, therefore the Bethlehem of Galilee Archery Club hosts archery competitions almost every week, including about 5-6 national competitions each year.


Online archery course

New in Israel! Your introduction to the amazing sport of archery! Looking for a fun, healthy, social sport?

Have you always planned to enter the field one day but didn’t have time? Want to buy or import archery equipment?

Think you have what it takes to be an archer?

This course is for you!

Traditional Archery Craftsmanship

We are proud to be part of the community of bow makers in Israel and to be the host of the annual convention of traditional bow makers in Israel.

Anyone who is interested in connecting to the roots and learning the craft of carving traditional bows which is done with the help of traditional hand tools, during which you get to know different types of trees and their suitability for the craft of making the bow and in the end get to carve a unique bow that has no second in the whole world!

For details on bow carving workshops:



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The “Archery Center IL” in Beit Lehem of Galilee develops the field of archery in Israel beyond the world of sports & the fields of education, culture & social development.

Telephone / WhatsApp | (+972) 0544407113

Email | [email protected]

Forest Road 2, Bethlehem of Galilee, 3600700

Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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